PR Planning for October 2018 If You Want Print Media in January/February
During this TuneUp, we dive into how you are going to get real PR right now - in October. Not PR that you wait to receive a PR lead for. Not a random mention about you that might not have to do with your business. We're talking really relevant PR that gives your business validation.
That's right - YOU have the power to get featured or quoted in a magazine or newspaper, or to get booked on TV. You don't need to wait for a PR lead from a journalist already working on a story.
"Cold Pitch the Media"
You can "cold pitch" the media with an amazing angle of why to feature your business right now to their readers. During this TuneUp, we are going to revisit what it really means to pitch the media, and why you don't need to wait for an opportunity to present itself - if it ever does!
Tin Shingle's PR Planning for October Training TuneUp gives you loads of ideas that magazines are working on right now. HINT: It's October, and magazines are working on December/January.
Writers Are Working On These Topics In October
- New Year, New You
- National Mentors Month
- New Sales Tax for Online Sales - Tax Time!
- Diets
- Organizing
- Winter! Cold Weather! Snow!
- Cold and Flu Season
This media planning Training TuneUp will get in your PR Zone! Your host and Tin Shingle's owner Katie is going to give you lots of ideas, and will help you plan out how to execute them to get exposure!