When Katharine Contag, creator and founder of the Color Clutch, a revolutionary nail polish organizer, asked submitted a press release to her fellow Tin Shingle members in the Community Boards for group workshopping, we knew we had to feature her on a TuneUp to learn more of her business story. Katharine's product was debuting on the shelves of the Container Store nation-wide, followed by Ricky's NYC, and she wanted to get the word out, fast. Katharine not only secured a wholesale account in this retail mecca, but she had raised over $16,000 of seed money during a Kickstarter campaign. Listen to this webinar to find out:
- How Katharine's background at in retail and finance helped prep her to be a creator and marketer of a revolutionary new product she designed out of necessity in a small New York City apartment where nail polish bottles had taken over her bathroom.
- How did you finance the Color Clutch to design and produce it before your Kickstarter Campaign? Was it a limited run?
- What did your Kickstarter campaign allow you to do with the Color Clutch?
- How did you structure your Kickstarter campaign to increase backer engagement with it?
- How did you work with your highest level backer, The Innovation Team?
- How did you promote your Kickstarter campaign?
- How many stores nationwide carry Color Clutch?
- How did you find a contact at The Container Store, and pitch them?
- How long did it take you from pitch to acceptance to get launched?
- How did you build buzz before the launch in The Container Store?
- The website design is amazing - how did it impact your pitch to the Container Store - or did it?
- Did you hire a photographer and creative director for your photo shoots, or DIY it?
- How do you plan on using Bloggers and Vloggers to spread the word?
- How is the Color Clutch doing right now in the Container Store?
- What are your next steps for building the business?
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Katie Hellmuth Martin is the Co-Founder of Tin Shingle and is committed to educating small businesses in common sense, yet sexy ways of marketing through search engines, and online branding. Small businesses from Main Street, to corporate agencies on Madison Avenue have relied on Katie for insight and forward thinking approaches to using today's technology to lock in online branding to increase sales. As lead producer and digital strategist at InHouse Design Media, Katie has developed e-commerce and content based websites, and devised SEO and social strategies for businesses of all types, including retail and service. She has managed the traffic flow and sales process for websites during features on The Today Show, Good Morning America, and Daily Candy. She is also the publisher of the local media source, A Little Beacon Blog. Katie speaks and teaches SEO and online marketing, and has been featured in Forbes, U.S. News and World Report, New York Daily News, and other publications. Connect with her on Twitter via @KJPixelated and @TinShingle, on Instagram @katiejamespixelated and @TinShingle and on Google+.