Nicole Feliciano, founder of Momtrends, the website/blog that just passed $1 million in sales last year, is showing no signs of slowing. An English major from Vanderbilt University, Nicole started her career in fashion, but after becoming a mom, was hooked on blogging and using social media to connect with others and spread the word about trends she spotted and easy ways to stay happy, educated and fashionable as a mom. Seeing a void in the blogosphere at the time, Nicole founded Momtrends, which has since expanded to feature more contributing writers, video production, a thriving events business, and now, a book called #MomBoss, where Nicole is starting a movement to educate other moms in how to start and grow the business of their dreams.
Nicole shares with Tin Shingle's co-founder, Katie Hellmuth Martin, her business tips so that you can learn how she monetizes this business, balances with editorial, and keeps harmony with her family and work lives!
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Katie Hellmuth Martin is co-founder of Tin Shingle and publisher of A Little Beacon Blog. Since 2005 when she hung her own shingle as a designer of websites and accessories, Katie has worked with businesses of all sizes to grow their digital footprints using newsletters, company blogs, user experience, social media, and a creative look at SEO performance. For Tin Shingle, she is lead designer, community membership nurturer, columnist, and director of partnerships and advertising.