[FOUNDERS SECRETS] How Hang-O-Matic Got Through to Buyers and Onto Shelves


One of the most frequently bemoaned topics we hear about from our Tin Shingle circles of business owners is the issue of getting into stores. The shelves of big box stores and boutiques are highly coveted by many designers and manufacturers. For many, these shelves are the way they stay in business (versus direct online sales alone).

We stepped into the trenches of business owners to hear from Karina Rabin, the co-founder of Hang-O-Matic, the all-in-one picture hanging tool. She aggressively got onto the shelves of many big box stores, including Ace Hardware, The Container Store, Bed Bath and Beyond, and others. Speaking of BBB, when Karina and her husband got their first order from the giant retailer, they didn't have the capital to immediately fulfill the order. So they sold their house - while raising their new family.
