Timing is Everything and Nothing



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All #SmallBizDiary Entries by Peggy Li
The views of this member do not reflect those of Tin Shingle.

I do not have time to write this post!

The beginning of a New Year always brings questions to me as a small business owner. How did the previous year go? What do you want to do in the New Year? Easy and yet tough questions to answer. 

After my first full year in business, it's been a great time, and I am busier than ever! Great problem to have, right? WRONG. My greatest fear is coming true -- I can see the time when I can no longer run the business by myself (without going completely nuts). Now, at the beginning of a fresh year, how to prepare for that eventual crossroads?

All I can think about is TIME. How to spend it. How much of it I have. And if there's any lesson I've learned in business, it's that timing is everything. Especially now in the world of social media and instant access to news, for a small business owner an absolute EDGE is the quickness in which we can respond to news and events and the tide of popular thought. And while I say timing is everything, I am also learning to let go of "missed" opportunities because, honey, in this ocean there is going to always be another wave to catch. 

Get the timing right is espeically helpful when you have product that ties into something like a TV show (or book, or holiday, or other timely event). Here are some tips to marketing your product with timing in mind:

  • Post about your product that is related to a celebrity or TV show *on the day it airs*. No brainer, right?  But don't give up once the show has come and gone! That show airs every week -- that show airs at different schedules across the globe (US may have season 3, but Europe is on season 2). Fans are out there and they are watching and the day-of they are looking for any tidbits and info and might see you for the first time.
  • Test different media. I hated Tumblr. Hated it. Then I took the time to see what was happening there and tried to understand how people were using it. Then, adapted my marketing to get my info out there and now it's one of my favorites. While sites like Pinterest remain buzzy and have tons of eyeballs, you may find you get more traction with channels with narrower, more specific userbases, and more social aspects, like a Tumblr or Instagram.
  • Follow other media. How do other media outlets that cover your type of product promote their stories? When? How does the TV show promote their actors and episodes? Where and when? Ride those waves and be sure to tag your posts appropriately.
  • Follow the fans. When do the fans buzz about the show (see first tip!)? How about the "afterglow" -- after the show airs and the reactionary buzz? Don't forget to watch that and post around those topics, too.
  • Hashtag! Find the trending topics and popular tags for your topic and don't forget to hastag to add you to the conversation stream. For example, a favorite couple on Arrow is #Olicity, or The Vampire Diaries is usually abbreviated #TVD.

It's a lot of work but it's targeted work for your business. Try it and I'd love to hear about your results!





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