Sexy Images Using Filters in iPhone


Social media has become all about photos. And photos, thanks to Instagram, have become all about sexy filters. You know, the grainy look a photo has that makes it look instantly gangsta-tough. Instagram was a pioneer in getting people used to becoming photography pros with Instagram's one-click filter to make a photo look vintage or from 1977 or sepia or black and white.

Fast forward just a year, and there are lots of photo apps out there to change the look and feel of your photos for social media streams. One of the easiest set of filters are the ones built into an iPhone.

There are 8 filters that come with the latest iPhones: Mono, Tonal, Noir, Fade, Chrome, Process, Transfer and Instant. If you've had past experience with developing actual film into a photo, you'll know that these filters refer to how a photographer could manipulate a photo in the darkroom.

Let's look at three of these filters to show you the difference with just a few clicks:

The "Transfer" Filter:

iPhone photo using Transfer filter

The Noir Filter:

iPhone photo using Noir filter

The Process Filter:

iPhone photo using Process filter


Depending on the mood you want to portray in your social media streams, you can easily take a picture with one of these filters selected, and voila, you have instant-sexy photos.

To find these filters in your iPhone, simply click on your camera icon. To the left of the button that lets you take the photo is a cluster of 3 circles. Click on those, and you'll get to the filter selections. Take the picture with that filter selected. If you want a different filter, you'll need to take the picture again, but with a different filter selected.

Have fun!