MAJOR HINT!! Holiday Gift Guide Pitching starts now! If you want to get into those winter holiday issues, now is your time!!
It's no coincidence that you're reading about really cool businesses in magazines right now. But those businesses didn't sit back in their shops waiting for the media to come calling. They went for it and got it! Yes, they pitched their favorite glossy magazines, and some of them heard back and were featured.
This. Could. Be. You!!
Tin Shingle is your PR Campaign Partner in crime, and we've got your roadmap for what ideas to pitch to the media for this month. You're going to get:
- Ideas for what to pitch magazines - how to spin a story about your business into their pages.
- Insights into what magazines are working on now - we open our Editorial Calendar Database to show you the main themes of magazines like Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Real Simple, and many more.
- How to channel all of this pitching so that it's no overwhelming. Pitching the media is all about sending the right idea at the right time. This TuneUp helps you do that for August.
You don't need to be a professional PR person to get a big PR hit. You need to be a go-getter with fresh ideas. Listen to this live Training TuneUps class to get some of those ideas and some gumption to carry them out.
How This Works
Single Purchase: After you purchase this Training TuneUp, return to this page, and the video will be on the screen, ready for you to play!
Tin Shingle Members: If you are an Online Classes Level 3 Member of Tin Shingle, and you are logged in, this video interview will be already here, waiting for you to press play!