During this TuneUp interview, we speak with literary agent Anna Knutson Geller, the founder of Write View. Anna is a publishing industry veteran who has experienced some of the most important aspects to selling and publishing a book. With a specialty in negotiating the different rights that come with a book published by a major publishing house, such as film, audio and foreign rights, Anna tells us what to look for when publishing a book, as well as what appeals to literary agents like herself, and to the major book publishing houses you want to buy your manuscript. Do you wonder about the pros and cons to self-publishing? We cover that too.
Anna has over fifteen years of experience in the publishing industry, ranging from editor to literary scout to rights director to agent. She founded Write View in 2016. Anna began her publishing career in Paris, working as an assistant at the literary agency Agence Michelle Lapautre and as a junior editor at Editions Plon. In 2008 she moved to New York to join Maria B. Campbell Associates, where she scouted books for international publishers as well as for Warner Bros. As Director of Foreign and Subsidiary Rights at The Book Group, she negotiated translation, film, and audio deals on behalf of bestselling authors such as Joshua Ferris, Paula McLain, Celeste Ng, and Helen Simonson. She has been on the faculty of the Columbia Publishing Course since 2011, and she also teaches meditation. She speaks fluent French, conversational Italian and Spanish, and enjoys dipping her toes into the oceans of Sanskrit and Pali.