Member Email Policy


We encourage members to email the group when then need feedback, are promoting something, or need a referral (or whatever else we're not thinking about). What follows below are guidelines we enforce to help you with best practice. If you stray from these guidelines, we may email you a gentle reminder.

Reply All

Probably one of the most regretted faux-paws on the Internet. We generally discourage hitting Reply All when you are replying to someone. We encourage you to use our Forum to share your knowledge or experience if you want several people to know about it. If there is a question that seems to have a lot of responses, we'll move it to the forum so that the entire membership can benefit from it. If you hit Reply All by mistake, we understand, and have done it ourselves. Just use it cautiously.


Negative Comments

We are a supportive people, so while we appreciate hearing about negative experiences in order to help us make good choices, we try to keep this a supportive space.


Forwarding Other Newsletters

We trust each other for the filtered collective knowledge we all have. If you hear of an event or educational opportunity, you may want to share it with everyone. Forwarding a newsletter or event notice you found particularly helpful is fine, but not more than two a month.  If you are so enthusiastic about news you cultivate, then perhaps you should start a blog. Craft a good blog post about it, and share that with fellow members.


Affiliate Links

Referring other business is the best way to grow a business. And businesses who reward you for referring business with a commission or other reward is even better. However, we like to know if there is cash behind the referral. If you are sharing an affiliate link, we do require you to state that you do receive some commission if someone signs up or buys what you are referring. This guideline has a three-strikes and you're out policy. We will suspend your member email privileges.