Always happy to help a business owner find work/life balance, Katie Hellmuth Martin contributed to Laura Petrecca's article, "Take it from us: Don't work till you drop; Tips on how you can get your life back". Laura is heading up USA Today's Smart Small Business column in the Money section. Highlights from the article include:
"It's tough to find balance, says Katie Hellmuth Martin, co-founder of Tin Shingle, an online cmmunity and resource profider for small-business owners."
"Entrepreneurs who put too much focus on business can inadvertaintly damage relationships with friends and family, as well as burn themselves out. In addition, those who answer e-email and take calls during non-traditional business hours may broadcast the message that they are available to work day and night. 'If you're doing too much work you might be creating fasle expectations about what you can do,' Katie says."