in: Holistic Business
by: Shannon Roberts
Everyone is busy, but when you run your own small business, it’s even tougher to find time for yourself. Here are some easy tips that will help you start living that healthy lifestyle that you promised yourself last New Year’s Eve, and the year before, and the year before that….well you get the picture! Stop saying tomorrow and incorporate some of these tips into your life today.
Supermarket Slim Down
Don’t waste your time going down every aisle in the supermarket! All the healthy stuff is located on the perimeter. A great way to clean up your diet is eating real foods, so focus on vegetables, fruit, whole grains, proteins and other foods that are nourishing and filling. A good rule of thumb, if it wasn’t around 100 years ago, it probably isn’t very good for you!
Work it while you work
If you like to eat as much as I do, EVERY calorie counts. When you simply don’t have time to get your workout in, squeeze your workout into your work day. It is easier than you think. Got stairs? Use them instead of the elevator. Meeting a client? Go the long route and walk a little faster. If you are in a parking lot, put your car in the furthest spot from the entrance. Exerting more energy burns calories, so keep moving! Another tip – if you sweat a lot, make sure you keep some deodorant and moist towlettes in your bag!
Buddy Up
A great way to stick to a workout program is finding a partner. Whether is it someone that will go to yoga class with you or someone you can simply text message to say “crushed my work out!”. Having an accountability partner will help you stay committed to your program and allow you to see better results in return. Next time you want to skip the gym to hit up happy hour, you will have someone to answer to! And a little guilt can go a long way!
Skip the Gym
Yes, you heard me right, but it isn’t what you think. Consider skipping the gym and opt for a home workout program. By committing to a DVD-based program, you can roll right out of bed and get your sweat-on in the privacy of your own home. There are numerous programs that are super effective and require little to no equipment. And if you stick to them, you can redefine your body without shelling out several hundred dollars a month for a personal trainer. Short on time? There are calorie blasting programs that take as little as 25 minutes a day.