in: PR (Public Relations)
by: Sabina Hitchen

We all know that public relations, social media and SEO can help bring buzz and visibility to your brand, but there are a few other places that are more or less "staring you in the face" and completely in your control that you may not be taking full advantage of. Take the time to review how you're using them and decide whether or not they could use a buzz-building upgrade!
Like Cheers, Be Sure Everyone Knows Your Name - and What You Do
Churches, functions, at the school run pick up - don’t hide or be shy about what you do. Make sure you naturally find ways to work what you do into conversations. Share it not only with friends and colleagues in your industry but everyone in your many circles. Often moments to share this information naturally present themselves but we don't always seize them. Be proud of what you do, find ways to explain your job to to people who aren't in your industry and get them excited about what you do (share recent celebrations or cool things you're up to). You'll be surprised at how often they really do want to engage with you about it, and you never know when they could connect you with someone who could help put your product or service on the map!
Work That Business Card
A business card isn't simply for your logo, name and phone number anymore. It's a place where you can share a peek into your brand story and all the ways people can connect with you. Along with making sure the information is up-to-date, be sure it has your social media handles on it, website address and perhaps even a one-liner, motto or your photo! Let your card make an impact long after your encounter with its recipient has ended!
It's All in the Signature
Check your email signature out and see what information it gives to those who are communicating with you. Sure most of them have our name, title, company website and contact phone number, but it could give them more! Here are a few ideas:
- A link to your company newsletter sign up page
- All of your social media handles
- A link or image of your latest press
- A client testimonial
- Include your motto or a personal quote that helps people get to know who you are and what you're about