Have you asked yourself any of these questions below as you are getting press for your business? Stream this TuneUp now to get these answers answered and apply these guidelines to your PR campaign right away!
- "I’m trying to get my business on a morning show like the Today Show or Good Morning America but no one is biting, what am I doing wrong?"
- "What are the main types of pitches that I should be sending out about my business every month in order to get noticed in a big way?"
- "How can I get stylists to notice my fashion/accessories products?"
- "How can I get my food products to a celebrity I KNOW would love them?"
- "My business story was featured on a website, how can I leverage this opportunity and 'get it out there' so that more people see it?"
- "What are some tactics I can use to increase my Facebook & Twitter following?"
- "What should I do if someone I really want to connect with for my business starts following me on Twitter?"
- "If a member of the press says 'no' to me for a specific story, how can I increase my chances of being picked up by them for a future story?"
- And more - in fact the next question could be YOURS! You can always email your questions to us to info@tinshingle.com or tweet us at @TinShingle
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Sabina Hitchen is the co-founder of Tin Shingle and the President of Red Branch Public Relations. She has been practicing, teaching and lecturing on all things public relations for over eight years and specializes in lifestyle public relations for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Sabina's clients have appeared everywhere from the Today Show, Good Morning America and CBS This Morning to Entrepreneur Magazine, Inc.com, O the Oprah Winfrey Magazine, People StyleWatch, E! News and more. She is a true believer that "it's PR not ER" and that every small business given the right skills and tools can excel at managing and understanding their public relations campaign.