Membership Goodies


New! Forum Signature & Profile Update Button in Personal Profiles on Tin Shingle

Many members of Tin Shingle have requested the ability to edit your Signature in the private member Forum as an easy way to show who you are and where to find information about your business. This can be done! Here's how:


Click on DASHBOARD in the very top navigation of the website.

Click on the box for Edit Your Personal Profile.

And We're Back! What We Did While On Break

Helllllo Everyone!

TruthBomb here - this post includes the words "what we did while on break", but the truth is - we, like many of you, took a break! We did not work, we played with our families, we cooked, we saw a bunch of movies in the theater (yes, that includes Star Wars, Daddy's Home, Alvin and the Chipmunks Road Chip...and that's just from my end of the spectrum which only includes kid-friendly movies).

But now that's it's Monday - the first Monday of the New Year - we have something for you!

Tin Shingle On The Go! Mobile-Friendly Tap Navigation To Reach Your PR, Training & Community Centers

Staying connected to Tin Shingle while on the go is important to you. We know! We made improvements to the mobile version of the website and of your Member Center so that you can access your favorite tools with the tap of a finger. Here is what Tin Shingle's easy mobile navigation looks like from your phone:

Tavern Puzzle: Tin Shingle's Newest Member-Only Discount!

If you've seen these delightful but so puzzling metal games in gift stores or even in your local bar, you should know that the creator of these brain teasers, Tavern Puzzle, is now a member of Tin Shingle! What's even better is that Tavern Puzzle makes what might be the most original gift you could give to vendors, clients, employees, friends and more!


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